Mixing Theory & Practice

Throughout  my academic career, I have worked on research topics related to the appropriability of innovation, on R&D management, on technology transfer, and on innovation policy. I have contributed to the Italian and international debate, and had the possibility to establish collaborations with the main experts in these areas. I was also affiliated with prestigious research centers in the U.S. and Europe.

Since my return to Italy, in 2007, I was able to grow my international research network, working side by side with colleagues at the Chongqing University School of Management, ESADE, Georgia Institute of Technology, Harvard Business School, Imperial College of London, Khalifa University (EAU), Manchester Business School, Twente University, University of California (Berkeley), University of California (Davis), University of Groeningen, University of Leuven, Tongji University, University of Ljubljana.

I am Research Fellow with the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, and I have been affiliated with ETLAtieto in Helsinki, the European Patent Office, the Open Innovation Corporation.
I have collaborated with the main Italian industrial and entrepreneurial associations (Confindustria, CNA), the Technology Transfer offices of various Italian Universities, as well as with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Kauffman Foundation, and with the U.S. Department of State, through the American Embassy in Italy.
I have run programs of executive education or other initiatives with companies such as: ABB, Ansaldo Energia, Bassilichi, ENI, Finmeccanica, Fondamenta SGR, Knauf, Intesa San Paolo Loccioni, Lucchini, Telecom Italia. From time to time I also write about innovation on La Repubblica Affari & Finanza.

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