Open Innovation Lookout 2024

Last year, a significant development unfolded in the realm of innovation: the inception of the Osservatorio Open Innovation Lookout. This initiative, led by the Innovation and Strategy research group at Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with Lab11, marks a concerted effort to comprehend the intricacies of Open Innovation. As we gear up for the second edition, we reflect on the evolution of innovation over the past two decades.

Open Innovation, once a theoretical concept, has evolved into a fundamental aspect of contemporary entrepreneurship, largely due to the contributions of thought leaders like Henry Chesbrough. Its widespread recognition, evidenced by nearly 800 thousand mentions on LinkedIn, underscores its global significance across various industries.

Under Alberto Di Minin’s leadership, steering the Advisory Board, our initiative stands as a guiding light, illuminating our ongoing research efforts throughout the year. Through rigorous research and collaboration with experts, the work shows the complexities of this dynamic ecosystem, providing insights into the diverse organizations, actors, and processes involved.

Our mission is clear: to comprehensively understand Open Innovation in Italy. We scrutinize key industry players, their operational models, and prevailing market dynamics. With over 900 organizations identified, our research offers a nuanced portrayal of Italy’s Open Innovation terrain.

Central to our approach is fostering collaboration among stakeholders, this collaborative method enables us to drive meaningful progress. With the support of our advisors and partners, we’re poised to push the boundaries of innovation in Italy and beyond.

For those eager to delve deeper into our research, the comprehensive report is available for download HERE