Special Issue: Experimentation for innovation: What’s now and what’s next

Call for papers for “Innovation: Organization and Management”.  Co-edited with Mattia Bianchi and Gary Pisano, we ask scholars to send us by September 15th 2020 their work on experiments as a tool for innovation.

Direct access to the call here.

If you are interested, please submit your manuscript through the IOM system no later than September 15th, 2020 to be peer reviewed. When completing your submission, please make sure to clearly select the correct special issue track. The paper should reflect the editorial guidelines of Innovation: Organization & Management. You are welcome to contact any or all of the Guest Editors for further information. Authors whose papers receive a revise and re-submit will be invited to a special workshop organized by the Guest Editors.

We anticipate that this issue will be published in IOM sometime in 2022. However your paper will be published in advance on-line viewing on the IOM website, as soon as the review process is completed, and therefore they might appear earlier.