I am extremely happy to announce the publication of a new paper, titled “Team boundary-spanning activities and performance of technology transfer organizations: evidence from China”. 

This is the result of successful Italian-Chinese collaboration through Galileo Galilei Italian Institute It is truly a joint work with one of my favorite DBA Students from Chongqing University, Xie Kaiji. I also need to thank Antonio Crupi, Andrea Piccaluga and Fabrizio Cesaroni for creating a profitable environment and cooperation framework to publish a new innovative piece of research on technology transfer. 

Contents of the paper 

Technology transfer activities are crucial for public and private organizations, but numerous factors influence their success. This study performs an in-depth analysis of the causes and consequences of team boundary-spanning activities in the context of Chinese technology transfer, by addressing three related research questions: what are the drivers of teams’ boundary-spanning activities? How do teams conduct boundary-spanning activities? What is the impact of teams’ boundary-spanning activities? 

Based on the “input–moderator–output–input” model of team effectiveness theory, this study firstly explores which factors drive technology transfer teams to engage in boundary-spanning activities. Then, it examines the effects that such activities have on technology transfer performance, both directly and indirectly, through a set of mediating factors. Finally, it explores whether external environmental conditions play any moderating role in the relationship between team boundary-spanning activities and team performance. 

Download it and please share your comments and ideas

Please download the full paper at this link and feel free to share with me and my team your comments and ideas for further research on this fascinating topic.