Master FHINK: Teaching IP Mgmt. The way I always wanted to

It is now official:

According to a statement posted on Finmeccanica’s website, after 6 editions, the FHINK International Master in Business Engineering is suspended.
For these six years I have been responsible for the organization of the IP Management module, and I worked closely with the Director Prof Andrea Prencipe, the HR Office of the Group as well as IP Managers of the Company, which  helped me to deliver case studies built on patents assigned to the controlled companies.
It had been a privilege to work with Giorgio Tolusso, Zaira Burlo and Franceso Rogo.
I learnt a lot from them as well as from all the guest lecturers, that found the time to take part to my little module.

I think this experience provided me with the best setting I have ever experienced so far for  teaching IP Management to Engineers and MBA students.
A full 4 days program + a projectwork follow up based on very relevant material.
It was for me also an opportunity to perfect my understanding of the European Patent Office Teaching Kit, which I used extensively.

A big grazie goes to the administration and staff of Fhink and in particular Stefania Pelliccia, who had worked as Program Coordinator for all these years and had to deal with my missed deadlines and goofy handling of administrative tasks..

And finally: the students. Highly selected. Extremely motivated. Very opinionated. Super talented. All in a very diverse, truly international, class. Indeed the dreamy setting for a teacher.

I hope you will keep in touch and I am confident you will be successful in your career!