Talent Italy: Challenge Prizes all’Italiana

Rome, February 21st:


The platform Talent Italy www.talentitaly.it is online.

The first challenge prize is focused on Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). To the best course developed by a researcher, teacher, start-up 100K EUR.




Rome, June 25th:

The Minister of Research and Education Maria Chiara Carrozza

the Minister of Research and Education, Maria Chiara Carrozza, announced today that she will promote a new platform dedicated to challenge prizes to stimulate the talent and creativity of Italians towards the big problems and opportunities of today’s society.

This is a new way to stimulate the demand side of innovation, and engaging users, researchers, students, real talents into challenging endeavors.

Italy will be hosting in 2015 the EXPO in Milan, and the idea is to target such prestigious venue to showcase the world what Italian creativity is able to lead to if properly engaged.

Ministro Carrozza cited Vito Volterra, the first President of the Italian National Research Council: “First of all we need to keep in mind the exceptional characteristics of Italian genius. Since the ancient schools of though till this century Italians have created an interrupted and glorious tradition”.

Prof Carrozza closed her remarks in front of Presidente Giorgio Napolitano stating that “I strongly believe that the independence and talent of our students and researchers will be the foundation of a new Italian Renaissance“.

As the Minister’s Advisor for Innovation, I can’t wait to start working with her on this project,
and I am asking the help of my friends and colleagues to fulfill this goal. These challenges will be promoted by the Minister and we expect to create a one-stop-shop for calls coming from the industry, society, foundations etc etc.. so the idea is that:
the “Paese” challanges and the “Talenti” respond.


Here is the ANSA Press note:



(ANSA) – ROMA, 26 GIU – Una nuova piattaforma dedicata ad

ambiziosi premi per ricercatori e studenti ispirata a modelli

americani e nuove call in vista dell’Expo 2015: sono due misure

per il rilancio dell’innovazione presentate dal ministro di

Istruzione, Universita‘ e Ricerca, Maria Chiara Carrozza ospite

oggi a Roma al Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr) alla

giornata di inaugurazione dei novanta anni dell’ente in cui e’

stato inoltre conferito il Premio nazionale per l’innovazione.

”Vogliamo agire – ha spiegato il ministro – promuovendo la

domanda dell’innovazione. Per questo daremo il via ad una nuova

piattaforma dedicata ad ambiziosi premi per studenti,

ricercatori e inventori, sul modello dei ‘challenge prizes gia’

diffusi in Nord America e Europa”. Il progetto sara’ aperto a

ricercatori e studenti di ogni ordine e grado e vedra’ un

momento cruciale in occasione dell’Expo 2015, il luogo dove

mostrare al mondo la creativita’ e il talento italiano.

”Tramite questo progetto – ha proseguito la Carrozza

investiremo su percorsi e premi legati sfide tecnologiche, alle

innovazioni sociali, alla valorizzazione del patrimonio

artistico e culturale”. ”Sara’ presto aperta una chiamata

aperta a tutti i soggetti che vorranno contribuire ai
